New EPA Hazardous Waste Regulations Coming Soon!
With the November 2016 promulgation of the new Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule (HWGIR), it may be a good time to take a look at where you stand regarding waste disposal. These new rules come into effect on May 30, 2017 and include major changes as well as new requirements. The HWGIR can be found in 40 CFR Part 262 and attempts to more clearly define the requirements for each generator category.
Although the new regulations don’t come into effect until May 30, 2017, it may be a good time now to review and/or update your hazardous waste generator plan and status. With the new one-time per year waste disposal allowance, there may be an opportunity to implement a downgrade to your waste generator status. If possible, this could not only reduce the regulation burden, but also save money and resources in reduced annual fees, and lessen regulatory compliance efforts.
EWMA’s Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM), Craig Gorczyca, can help by reviewing all aspects of your Hazardous Waste Program and providing insight as to how to most cost effectively manage all of new (and old) regulations associated with the new HWGIR. Craig can be reached at or 973-560-1400 x145.